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Here you find movie reviews for Gary's films from the 1920s. Galleries are arranged in chronological order of each film's release.

New content will show first in each gallery

Early Films
It - 1927
Arizona Bound - 1927
The Winning of Barbara Worth - 1926
Children of Divorce - 1927
Wings - 1927 
The Last Outlaw - 1927
Nevada - 1927
Beau Sabreur - 1928
Doomsday - 1928
Anchor 1
Legion of the Condemned - 1928 
The First Kiss - 1928
Shopworn Angel - 1928
Betrayal - 1929
Half a Bride - 1928
Lilac Time - 1928
Wolf Song - 1929
The Virginian - 1929
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